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99 Bottles of Life on the Wall
James 4:14

99 Bottles of Life on the Wall
Empty bottles of beer on a wall
James 4:14 – “You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”

Yesterday, my wife began the gargantuan task of putting Christmas “in the box.” We used to play dominoes with my grandmother Hazel, and the last thing we did was play “In The Box.” We would shuffle them one last time, everyone drew them all up, and double six went in the box first. Next was six/five, six/four, and so on down to double blank. The lid went on and they were placed on the shelf in the closet. Well, when Christmas is over and the dust settles, it has to go back in the boxes it came out of. I helped her, and today after lunch we were done. I took on the job of folding the artificial tree up. In the process, I got static fake needles all over me. They were all over the floor, and the cling helped them get tracked all over the house. Just as many fell off when I folded it out a month or so ago. And every year we use it. I am amazed that it can lose so many needles and still look as full as it ever did. Obviously, it began with a very large number. Like the days of our lives. As a young guy, it felt like my life was an eternity ahead of me out there. Even at 18, I couldn’t imagine the end. Now, at 68, nearly 69, I can smell it. My days are fewer than ever before. Now would be a good time to make sure I am ready for Act II of this drama. The eternal side of things. Father in heaven, thank You for solving our sin problem and saving us, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

-Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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