Care for Others
Proverbs 29:7

Care For Others
Least of These
Proverbs 29:7 –The righteous considers the cause of the poor, But the wicked does not understand such knowledge.”

As Christians, we take our queue from the words and actions of Jesus. Just as He healed a woman impoverished by doctors, He continues to show care and understanding for those that cannot do for themselves. He did not ignore or look down on those who were oppressed, but showed empathy and compassion as He provided for them. He fed thousands of people because He did not want them to be hungry and faint. When we follow in His footsteps and help those who cannot repay us, He will bless us! Jesus tells us that whatever we do for the least of His brothers, it is the same as if we do it for Him!

While caring for their physical needs, Jesus spoke lifesaving Words of Wisdom and Encouragement to them. The greatest invite that Jesus extends to all of us, rich or poor, is to invite us to His kingdom, which far exceeds any riches of this world.

On the other hand, the wicked man does not care about anything other than himself. The rich man walked by Lazarus daily and never concerned himself with the poor man’s troubles. We should consider the cause of the poor state and help accordingly. We can’t always know the reason for the unfortunate situation that another person is in, but we can share the hope that we have by giving them Scriptural Words of encouragement. The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom to help with guidance in any situation.

God’s Words are life changing for those who listen! Help where you can and make a point to share the Word, with love, whenever possible! Won’t it be fun to see the results of your labor on that Great Day!

Vicki Rance

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Vicki Rance

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Vicki Rance

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