1 Samuel 2:2 – “No one is holy like the LORD” |
My wife celebrated a birthday in December. She commented how she feels uncomfortable when everyone is singing the birthday song to her and she is the object of everyone’s focus. I feel the same way when my day rolls around.
Roman emperors wanted to be thought of as Gods. Men aren’t worthy of such. We get in serious quicksand when we replace God with anything else. Money, political power, golden calves, ourselves, Satan.
John the revelator describes a throne in heaven. One sitting on the throne. A rainbow around it like emerald. 24 thrones with 24 crowned elders. A sea of glass like crystal. 4 living creatures. The elders cast their 24 crowns before the One throne. “HOLY, HOLY HOLY IS THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY Who was and Who is and Who is to come.” It is fitting and right for the creature to worship the creator. Father in heaven, we have hope in seeing You and praising You in Your throne room, in Jesus’ Amen!
– Jeff Beall