One Body
1 Corinthians 12:27

One Body
Beautiful little girls, sisters learn to skate on ice skating rink in park. Fall and have fun. Styli

1 Corinthians 12:27 – “All of you together are Christ’s body and each of you is a part of it.”

Several years ago, I fell on the ice and severely injured my shoulder. I went to the ER and was put in a sling with instructions NOT to use my arm for four weeks. I’m left-handed, and this was my right arm, so I figured it would be no big deal. I was so wrong. I could not raise my arm to wash my hair, use the mouse on my computer or even shift my car from park to drive. Washing dishes, folding laundry, everything – what I figured would be just a minor inconvenience turned into a real disruption in my life. Even after I got out of the sling, my shoulder was very tender, and I had to do exercises to restore flexibility and strength.

God does not look at any of us as incidental or unnecessary but considers us all parts of his body. Whether the parts are big or small, easily seen or working quietly in the background, all the parts are important. Some may get more credit than others, but injury to any one of the parts causes the body to be in pain and not function properly.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to remember that I am an important part of your body here on earth. I have a part to play, and your work is incomplete without my contribution. Help me also to see the value in others I meet along the way. They may have different skills than I do, or come from a different background, but their value to the body cannot be ignored. Amen

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

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