Things Get Dirty Here
Luke 19:10

Things Get Dirty Here
Close-up of handsome plumber repairing drain of kitchen sink
Luke 19:10 – “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Saturday morning, I got up with a mission in mind. Clean our shower. I put it off because it involves chemicals, fumes, scum, hair, etc. Yucky stuff. Mostly, I am in a hurry to get a shower and get going on my way. I got out the soap scum spray and the mold/mildew spray. I did a round of each, scrubbing with a hand held brush and scotch pad sponge in between. The soap scum spray did wonders on the glass door. Cleared it up.

Last week, I had to run the manual plumbers snake down the drain. I pulled out a mouse sized ball of hair. There is black tar like stuff down there in the drain that the snake finds as well. It is like India ink dripping off of it as I pull it out. Gross work. Someone’s got to do it.

Once I had to pull a toilet to replace the wax ring. Two large (rather bold) cockroaches came out of the hole. I killed one and chased the other back down where he came from. I sprayed some Formula 409 down there and stuffed a rag in the opening temporarily while I worked. Gross work. Someone’s got to do it.

Just imagine a holy God sending His son down here from heaven. He was born in a feeding trough for livestock. How many cows and donkeys slobbered there where he lay? He touched a leper in the process of healing the man. He washed His disciples dirty feet. He endured the cross. He was spit on, nailed to a rough hewn beam. All because of the things I would one day do. Things I don’t want you to know.

Years I was addicted to pornography. You see, God had quite a mess to clean up. His son took the job on, and touched our filth. Father in heaven, thank You for touching our dirty world, and thank You for sin cleansing blood, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

-Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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