Personal Choices – Philippians 4:8

Personal Choices
pretty woman in white dress forest nature walk vacation
Philippians 4:8 – “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

During difficult times in my own life, I have reflected on the importance of the personal choices we make and how they help us to cope during hard times. One practice that has helped me to stay centered is quiet time in nature. I love nature and its beauty, embracing every opportunity to get outside and enjoy God’s creation. If I am down about something, all it takes is a trip to a secluded place such as a forest or lake to lift my spirits. I can recharge by simply talking to God and enjoying the quiet beauty.

There is beauty not only in the visible world but also in what is unseen. I have personally experienced some heartache, yet I still have joy in my heart and am able to thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. That is the beauty of a close relationship with our Lord as our personal Savior.

It is so heartening to be assured that He is always with us through good times and bad, never leaving us. He is with us when we fall down and allows us the opportunity to get back up and try again. That process has a beauty of its own. Our Living God knows we will sin, forgives us, and helps us to get back up and try again. This world in its fallen condition can never fully satisfy us. We often yearn for earlier times when we may have experienced more control over our environment. Never fear! He is perfect and beautiful in every way and is able to stay close to us as we walk through this world. So, look toward blessings, toward Him and the joy and beauty of His Presence will shine upon you.

Lord, help me to experience your beauty in good times and bad. Guide me to release all of my burdens to you. Thank you that you are ready to take my life and guide me to see beauty inside and out of this earthly life. Amen

  • Donna Stauber
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Donna Stauber

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Donna Stauber

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