A New Thing
Isaiah 43:19

Landscape image of desert , stream and mountains with blue sky background
Isaiah 43:19 – “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m growing weary of the things that are happening in our world today. Honestly, it’s not too far removed from problems in other times – Pandemics, Tornadoes, Floods, Earthquakes, Climate Change, bad reports on every news station. Covid-19 has changed our world. It has polarized and separated families, cities, politicians, nations. It seems that everywhere we look, there are more negative reports about our future, the futures of the next generations…

… but God…

In every story in the Bible, after we learn of catastrophes and human failures, there are these two words, “but God.” I am learning to turn off the news. Turn off the constant barrage of negatives that try to ruin my day. I am learning to keep my eyes on Jesus – He is the only Hope for this lost world that we live in. This passage in Isaiah seems to point out that the people of Israel were in a wilderness, a desert place. They could all identify with this description of their status, just as I think we can today.

… but God…

But God is saying to us today that He is doing a NEW THING! He wants to help our journey. He promises to make a road in the wilderness so we don’t have to struggle and fight to move forward. He promises to make rivers in the desert. I don’t know about you, but that seems wonderful to me! We have been trying to make our own paths in a dry and dangerous desert for far too long!

Join Us in Prayer

Father God, You are sovereign. You have promised to help us to look to You for our refuge, our river in dry places! Help us to examine our hearts, our actions, our priorities, our fears. Help us to lay them at Your feet. Today. Help us to develop a habit to do this daily, so that we may live the life You have planned for us. Thank You for continuing to guide and direct our paths, and to show up in our lives when we finally turn our eyes to You! Thank You for promises in this New Year we are beginning. We give You thanks, and glory, and honor, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Kimberly Schroeder

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Picture of Kimberly Schroeder

Kimberly Schroeder

Picture of Kimberly Schroeder

Kimberly Schroeder

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