Author Spotlight

Lindy Bell

Lindy Bell

Lindy Bell is a Christian and long-time member of Waterview Church of Christ in Richardson, TX.  She has been a Bible class teacher and served in several ministries including Heart 2 Heart Greeters, Helping Our Heroes, and Shining Stars.  Lindy currently has two books published, Jane Austen Celebrates ~ Holidays and Occasions Regency Style, and her debut novel, Brotherhood by Fire, inspired by unseen dangers firefighters face daily, was recently released. A third book is currently in the works.  Lindy’s writing has also brought about opportunities to speak to various groups, as well as to teach Adult Professional Education courses on Jane Austen and the Regency Era at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas.  Lindy is a graduate of Abilene Christian University with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and currently works for Strategic Government Resources as a live curriculum developer.

Books by Lindy

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