Circle of Life – Matthew 6:33

Circle of Life
Adorable old couple walking in an evergreen forest
Matthew 6:33- “”No one is holy like the LORD””But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

The circle of life. As a much younger man, I would watch as my neighbor, probably at the time in his early 80s, would mow his grass in shorts, with black knee high dress socks and black shoes. “Hope I am never caught dead looking like that” I would think to myself.

Last week, I told my wife I would take a walk with her. We had just rolled out of bed on Saturday morning. So, I threw on some shorts, some white ankle high athletic socks, and black running shoes. I was quite a sight, but I didn’t care. They will just have to excuse me. I will use my age as my defense. 68. Here I am, becoming what I at one time thought was so strange. As I get older, my dreams, hopes and wishes have changed so much also. I have thrown off the past and embraced new things.

What do I value most? My standing with God. And the same for those I love. I pray for them daily (hourly at times), their faith, and their struggles. My marriage, being a good husband, providing for and protecting my wife. Being a good servant to God. Sharing about Jesus, the way back to God. And as Jesus promised us- Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things (food, clothing, housing) will be added to you as well. We have no need to fret about tomorrow. Father in heaven, thank You for providing peace for our souls, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

– Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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