1 Thessalonians 5:11

Little girl singing outside in the winter singing a song!
1 Thessalonians 5:11 – “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

I have always loved singing, even from a very early age. I sang in the school choir, in a select girls’ group, and was also in a bicentennial musical in 1976.

In the 2nd grade our beloved music teacher Miss M pulled me aside one day and said she wanted to start teaching me how to sing harmony. She encouraged me to keep practicing, and in the 3rd grade I was selected to sing a duet in our high school musical “Music Man,” even though I was very young and very nervous.

Miss M was admired by all her students, and her infectious laugh and caring nature won over the hearts of even the most stubborn teenager. She truly cared about each of us and let us know how important we were to her.

I had the opportunity to speak with her a few years ago, not long before she passed away from cancer. She had the same infectious laugh and twinkle in her eyes, and we talked and shared precious memories. I’m not sure any of my teachers had a bigger impact on my life than she did.

How wonderful it is to have people who care for us and encourage us to try new things, or to calm our fears. But can we say we do the same for others? Do we reach out to the lonely or those who are afraid of the future? Are we using our talents and skills to help others reach their potential? Do we take the time to share with others a kind word or encouraging message?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the encouragers you send into our lives. Help us in turn to encourage others that we meet throughout the day. Give us more of your compassion and love. Amen

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

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