Psalm 19:1 – “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His Hands.” |
A friend recommended that we watch a debate between two men about God, for and against His existence. We were unable to watch it as it was unfolding, but my wife found it on Youtube. Each had 20 minutes to state his case, uninterrupted, and then each had rebuttal time, then audience questions. It caused some reflection in me as I listened.
I asked myself “Why do you believe God is real?” One man argued that believing in God is like believing there is an invisible dragon in a friend’s garage that you cannot gather any evidence on. That is not an entirely accurate analogy, in my opinion.
As I have wandered around in this world these 68+ years, I have observed some things.
One: the banana. Easy to peel. Single serving. Nutritious. It speaks to me of it’s maker.
Two: the moon. Every 28 days it makes a trip around the earth, and in the same amount of time makes one complete revolution on it’s axis, so that it shows us here on earth the same face at all times. I can look at the moon and instantly tell you whether it is waxing or waning without consulting Google.
Three: a fetus’ heart at the moment he/she takes the first breath at birth. A hole between the two halves of the heart which has allowed blood to bypass lungs (useless in the womb) is sealed by a flap of skin, never to reopen, and suddenly the blood flows to the lungs to be oxygenated.
These things scream loudly to me about my God who is now not invisible, but quite revealed. And we’ve only just begun. David wrote of this phenomenon in the Psalms. “The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament declares His handiwork”. Yes. God does exist. But more. He is like His word. “Living and active”- Able to listen to the prayers of us all.
Father in heaven, thank You for showing Yourself to us, in Jesus’ name, Amen!!
-Jeff Beall