God is our Guide
Psalm 48:14

God is our Guide
Autumn landscape, foggy road in forest
Psalm 48:14 – ““For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even unto death.”

In the early 2000’s, I was living and working near the coast in central California. One Saturday afternoon I decided to go exploring, so without much in the way of directions, I planned to drive east toward the central valley. How complicated could it be? I would drive around for a while, take a few pictures, and head back home before dark. Little did I know that there is a phenomenon known as tule fog, which Wikipedia describes as “a thick ground fog that settles in the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Valley areas of California’s Central Valley….Visibility in tule fog is usually less than an eighth of a mile (about 600 ft). Visibility can vary rapidly; in only a few feet, visibility can go from 10 feet to near zero.” And zero visibility it was! I had no idea where I was and was totally encased in unbelievably thick fog. I crept along on what I thought was the right highway at about 5 miles per hour for what seemed like ages, my hands gripping the wheel and so worried I would run off the road or be hit by someone. Suddenly, off to my right I could barely see the sign for a Best Western hotel, almost invisible in the thick fog. I went inside and begged for a room – any room – and luckily, they had a vacancy. But I would have slept in my car if I had to – I was just so glad to be off the road. The fog didn’t lift until close to noon the next morning, and then I was able to drive the rest of the way home safely.

God truly had his hand on me that night. I had no business being out alone in unfamiliar territory without a map or other directions. God guided my car and led me to the hotel – I am confident in that. But God wants to be our guide in other times as well, not just the life-threatening ones. Whatever the circumstances, I can be confident that God will be with me, guiding me, if I let him take control of the steering wheel, and my life.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for being with me that night, and all the other nights when I am lost or afraid. You know the road before me, and the best way out of the messes I make. Help me to listen to your voice of guidance and to follow your lead. Amen.

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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