He Keeps Me Steady!
Psalm 31:2

He Keeps Me Steady!
red and gray seesaw in the playground
Back in my elementary age I used to play a game on the seesaw with my friends. We would try to position ourselves in such a way that we both could balance above the air at the same time. Sometimes one person would be testy though and would hop off suddenly, sending the other crashing to the ground. I quickly learned I could only play this game with someone I really trusted.
Some days, it can feel like I’m back on those playground days, except I’m trying to balance on the seesaw of life. Partners you can trust and truly rely on can be hard to come by. The crash down hurts worse and recovery time is much slower. Picking your seesaw partner is imperative! Your partner needs to be caring and trustworthy to help keep you balanced.
I picture God as sitting on His seesaw and inviting us to join Him there. Life isn’t fair and we may fall, but He promises not to hop off and let us crash to the bottom. The Bible tells me that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Psalm 31:2 reminds me that when I turn to Him and put my trust in Him, he is there to rescue me from a fall. He is the stable rock that holds me up and steadies me. He is my indestructible rock of refuge in which I can lean on. He shields my back so I can face my battles in confidence and achieve victory through Him.
– Martes Campbell
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Martes Campbell

Picture of Martes Campbell

Martes Campbell

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