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I Will Remember (Leap Year)
Psalms 77:11-12

I Will Remember (Leap Year)
Mother and father helping their little daughter after falling off bicycle outdoors

Psalms 77:11-12 – “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.”

When I first considered writing devotionals that would include personal stories, I wasn’t sure I had enough memories that would be appropriate. I am just a simple Iowa farm girl who has moved around a lot as an adult and spent most of my working career in healthcare. Did I really have anything special to say that others would find meaningful and uplifting? Could my simple stories be used to lead others to a deeper relationship with God?

Once I started writing, what I experienced was the opposite of what I feared — I would read a scripture and close my eyes, asking God to free my mind and bring the appropriate memories back to me. After a few deep breaths, suddenly I was transported back to my farm, my college dorm, or my apartment in California. I was talking to my grandparents again, singing in church or praying for forgiveness. Sometimes it was a snowy blizzard, but other times it was a bright sunny spring day. Memories of sights and sounds and smells came flooding back, along with the peace of knowing that God was with me through it all.

Reliving these experiences confirmed to me that I was never alone, that God’s love was with me from my earliest memories, and that I was blessed to have been surrounded by parents, pastors and friends who guided me and pointed me to the path of godly living. Yes, I fell off that path many times and often hurt myself badly, but God was always there to help me up, brush me off, and set me back on the path again. Memories of these crashes were painful, but I still smile, knowing God was always by my side.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for bringing these memories back to me, and whether they were sweet or painful, thank you for always being there with me. Help me to be more aware each day of your presence in my life, and to be more open in sharing your faithfulness to me with others. Amen.

-Betty Gossell

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Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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