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Job Well Done
Ecclesiastes 9:10

Job Well Done
Wheel of offroad car in a muddy roadn forest
Ecclesiastes 9:10 – “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”

Saturday, a week ago yesterday, November 25, my wife and I were out running errands, and we made our last stop at the Car Spa car wash. A few days prior we had been on a quick getaway to Guthrie, Oklahoma, and had stayed at the Arcadian Getaways. It was on a dirt road, which worked out fine until it rained all night on our first night there.

The word “Oklahoma” is a Choctaw word meaning “red people”. I always thought it meant red dirt, which is what all the cars have all over them after it rains. And we had it caked all over the underside of our car and mounded in the fenders.

We selected the basic wash and pulled into the entrance to the wash tunnel. The pre-wash attendant came out and began his spraying. He saw all the red mud in the wheel wells and went to work. He spent around 10 minutes on it, as there were no patrons waiting behind us. I was so thankful for this young man’s persistence.

I asked my wife if she had any cash. She gave me $2.00. “Do you have any more?” She handed me one more dollar. “This guy is exactly what we needed. He finished and I flashed the cash at him, rolled down the window, and he gladly took it. After the wash was finished and we exited the tunnel, he came out and dried off all the water spots. I would have tipped him again, but he already had all of our cash.

There are jobs that shine like the sun when done well. He went above and beyond. He was doing his job so well. And we appreciated what he had done. God says “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”

Father in heaven, thank You for this young man and many others, working hard with their hands, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

-Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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