Just A Drop
Luke 12:23

Just A Drop
Black-crested titmouse taking a refreshing bath in the cool water.
Luke 12:23 – “For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not toil or reap., they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are you than birds!”

God’s creation is amazing. Every creature, great or small, comes with exactly what it needs. From spotted lizards who camouflage with the rock, to magnificently colored birds who blend in with their tropical surroundings. How about cows with their multiple stomachs or lady bugs who are so cute yet play a vital role in the garden. How about a grasshopper or praying mantis? How amazing are these tiny little creatures? What about the plethora of sea life – some we have no idea even exist because they live so deep in the ocean. From the tiniest insect to the behemoth elephant to man, God has created each creature with its exact, magnificent design.

While God creates each creature, sometimes that creature may need something beyond its current circumstances. Take birds for example, they’re pretty self-sufficient. They can soar freely on wings it took human engineers years to mimic. They’re also architects and build amazingly complicated nests from the crudest of elements but even they may need something as simple as a drink on a summer day. I’ve watched as birds take a drink from the birdbath outside my office window. It’s just a little drop but in the heat, that drop is a tiny blessing that helps them tolerate the heat.

God has created man to do great things. We’ve built skyscrapers and learned to fly. We’ve created technology that is amazing in what it can do. We’ve learned how to communicate around the world in seconds, sharing pictures, texts and emails with a push of a button. But even with so much we can do, we, just like the birds, need something extra to get us through the day. That something extra is God.

God is that life-giving, refreshing break from the day that enriches our lives and sustains us. He gives us hope for the next day and the next and finally, for the day we’ll be home with Him in heaven. How blessed we are that we are one of God’s creations and that He loves us so much.

Dear God: Thank you! Thank you for the beauty of nature that surrounds us and for the love you show to each of your creations. Thank you for loving us and being with us every day until we get to be at home in heaven with you forever. Amen.

-Lindy Bell

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Lindy Bell

Picture of Lindy Bell

Lindy Bell

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