Genesis 2:24

Word Love reflects the word Lust

Genesis 2:24 – “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”

From a 68 year old man who wants to yell back to the guys on the path behind me. Like the mountain climber who almost falls and tells his partner to avoid the way he just came. I am still married, but had some close ones. I need to warn you about them. I know some aren’t asking for advice, but maybe some will heed. Lust will sink your marriage, just as a gaping hole in a hot air balloon will pull you back to earth. How can I find my wife attractive if I compare her to other women? It won’t happen. I speak from the position of experience. So I know. God gave us a beautiful and wonderful thing when He gave us woman. But He only gives us one. A remarkable thing about the marital union? It is exclusive in design. One man and ONLY one woman. Follow the plan and you end up with something delightful. Look only at your wife and you see something truly precious. Father in heaven, thank You for such a good thing. Help us to listen to Your instruction, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
-Jeff Beall
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Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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