No Longer Lost – Ezekiel 34:16

No Longer Lost
Woman photographer plays with lonely cat walking on forest meadow against blurry green trees
Ezekiel 34:16 – “I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again.”

Growing up on a farm in Iowa, I was always surrounded by animals: dogs, cats, cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, horses and an occasional goose or two. I spent many hours playing with and taking care of those animals, but by far my favorite pet was my black and white cat Spotty.

Spotty was a great cat, full of snuggles and purrs. He loved being on my lap while I was sitting under a tree watching the birds and squirrels, or just napping in the sun. He was infinitely patient with me when I dressed him in doll clothes, and always came running when I called.

One afternoon I went out to play with him and could not find him. I called his name over and over but got no response. The other half-dozen cats we had came rushing toward me, but not him. I looked in the barn, along the creek and even in the garage, but he was nowhere to be found. I started to worry – had he wandered off and gotten hit by a car? Did he get stepped on by a cow or horse? Had he fallen in the creek? My mother tried to comfort me by saying he had probably gone to a neighboring farm to visit his girlfriend, but I was devastated and feared he would never come home. He was gone for several days, and it even stormed one night. I was losing hope in finding him.

My two older sisters left shortly after supper one night to ride their bikes about a mile to their piano lessons. Our property was situated such that the farm was bordered by a small creek with a railroad on the other side and then a dirt road. As my sisters were on their way home, they heard a loud ‘meow’ from the ditch, and there was Spotty! He was a bit wet and dirty, but happy to see them. My sisters yelled out to me (I could see them from across the small creek) and told me they found him! I was so excited! He followed my sisters home and trotted down the driveway toward me! He jumped into my arms, and I covered him with kisses and hugs. I never wanted him out of my sight again!

This story makes me think of God’s love for us, and how sad he is when we wander astray. Each one of us is precious to him – he never stops looking for us and calling for us to come home. No matter what kind of trouble we may have gotten into, he welcomes us home and takes us into his arms.

Prayer: Dear Father, oh, how much you love us and want us to be with you! You search for us, call to us, and never give up wanting us by your side. Please help me to hear you when you call, and to rush back to you to stay with you forever. Amen.

  • Betty Gossell
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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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