Reach Out and Touch Someone
Romans 12:10

Reach Out and Touch Someone
adults baby care child
Romans 12:10 – “Love each other with genuine affection.”

I heard some news yesterday that got me down. So, last night I had a wild idea for my wife and I to lay on our backs under the night sky in the yard and take in the stars above. I fished out a sleeping bag from the garage and laid it out. With all the city lights, it was hard to enjoy, and the bad news was souring my mood even then.

I woke up at 5 am today, a Saturday, with that news still on my mind. I wish I could say that I am not affected by events around me, but I am. My wife and I went out for breakfast together, yet the cloud was still over me and we talked about it.

After breakfast, we went to Calloway’s Nursery for their PumpkinFest. Our daughter-in-law and grandson were there, and our son, Jackson, works there. He came over to us and hugged his mom and then me. He did that even in front of his co-workers, so it meant a lot.

My neighbor called me later in the day. National Night Out is this Tuesday evening, and she is passing out door hangers to advertise what our block is doing. Sandy is very encouraging to me. She asked if I would help her pass them out. I agreed with no hesitation. Spending time with her is always good medicine for me. The cloud was still hanging over me.

I came home and did some chores, ironing some of my many shirts that I can’t wear until I do. As I pondered this day, it was clear to me that what cheered me most was the hug our son gave me. He and I are much closer these days, and his kind affection lifted my spirits more than anything. I learned the importance of touch. I like to pat my friends on the back. I patted Sandy on the shoulder. I hugged our grandson. I guess I give it freely because I realize I desperately need it in return. Jesus healed a leper, but He did something unnecessary. He touched the man. He could have spoken him healed, but He went above and beyond.

People pray to God for encouragement. You may be the person God sends. Reach out and touch someone. Father in heaven, thank You for touching us with Your love, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

– Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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