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Redeem Your Time
Matthew 25:13

Redeem Your Time
Forgotten watchmaker's workplace. Watchmaker's workplace with ruined clocks.
Matthew 25:13 – “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.”

At 3 PM today, if God is willing, I and 4 friends will be at a memory care facility nearby. We will be singing songs in worship to God with them. It is not a thankless job. Toni, the activity director, often says “Thank you for your sacrifice. You could be anywhere, but you have chosen to come here.” JoAnn, one of the residents, will probably say (as she does many times) “Oh, I am so glad it is you!” Margaret (a resident, will most likely kiss me and ask soon after if my wife came) will ask me when we are coming back, after asking us to come back soon. I can’t tell if I am familiar to her or not. Maria (a resident) will kiss me and sing most wholeheartedly. So, I can tell they are glad we have come, and want us to come back.

We try to give them a full hour of singing, sometimes covering 20 songs. The very familiar ones, Amazing Grace, In The Garden, How Great Thou Art, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, It Is Well With My Soul. When I walk down the streets, people don’t stop me for my autograph, but there, I am a celebrity. “Hey, there’s that guy who sings with us.” And we try to shake their hands and greet them all. We see some fall prey to death. We are all headed to that end eventually. It is what we do while living that is important. Father in heaven, help me to redeem my days wisely, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

-Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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