Matthew 20:20

Group of volunteers working in community charity donation center
Matthew 20:28 – Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

As followers of Jesus we desire to do as He did during His earthly ministry. Despite being the King of Kings and LORD of LORDs one of His actions was not to be served but instead serve faithfully and sacrificially. Working in a healthcare setting, whether in patient facing or ancillary positions, the opportunities to serve as Jesus did abound.

Serving faithfully encompasses several points. It involves approaching each and every person, whether patient, visitor, or co-worker, as someone who the LORD deeply loves and is made in His image. It also includes completion of every work-related task, no matter how challenging or mundane it may be, as instructed in 1 Corinthians 10:31 “…for the glory of God.” It also includes continuing to serve faithfully and sacrificially regardless if the day is unfolding uneventfully and smoothly or is filled with strife and stress.

Making the decision to serve faithfully regardless of the person, task, or day is simplified when remembering Jesus’s thoughts on serving described in today’s text. Also, we can rejoice He has given us precious gifts of grace, strength and love so we may have in abundance the ability to serve faithfully.


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your son Jesus and for His heart for serving faithfully. Help us remember that because of your grace, strength and love we can faithfully, sacrificially and joyously serve. In the Strong Name of Jesus, Amen.

-Phyllis Hooten

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Phyllis Hooten

Picture of Phyllis Hooten

Phyllis Hooten

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