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Psalms 34:4-5

Young girl smiling with sunlight on her face

Psalms 34:4-5 – “I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.”

Shame is defined as a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt. It is so painful that we often try to hide from our failure being found out, and then hang our heads when confronted. It is almost impossible to look into the eyes of our friends or family when we know our actions have hurt them. I think we have all seen pictures of dogs who have totally destroyed a sofa or a child who has spilled paint all over the carpet. Their faces are downcast, and they are unable to make eye contact.

Recently, my granddaughter intentionally disobeyed an instruction her mother gave her about not using an expensive painting set without supervision. She did it anyway, and when she was caught, she refused to admit she was wrong even while hanging her head in shame. Her stubbornness and impulsiveness to not wait for help and refusal to take the blame for her actions resulted in punishment and hurt feelings. How much better it would have been if she had just admitted what she did was wrong and asked for forgiveness!

God offers relief from our shame if we will lift our faces and look to him. Ask Him and He will deliver you, and your downcast eyes and tears will be replaced with a radiant glow of faith and peace.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you that I can come to you without fear and shame – you rescue me, forgive me, and fill me with your peace. My face is radiant as I look into your loving eyes and feel your love and acceptance. Amen.

-Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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