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Psalm 4:8

Angelic newborn baby boy peacefully sleeps
Psalm 4:8 – “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

I have always been very fortunate in that I can fall asleep almost anywhere. My many years of traveling as a healthcare consultant involved two to three flights each week, many of which were delayed or canceled, and I would fly through the night and into the wee hours of the morning. It didn’t matter if it was dark where I was or the middle of the day, noisy or quiet, if I was in a comfy bed or sitting in a chair: If I’m tired, I sleep!

One particular trip involved an 8 AM flight from Dallas to El Paso, Texas. As we pushed back from the gate, I closed my eyes and was asleep before we even took off. The next thing I knew we had a very rough landing in El Paso, and I was jolted awake. It was 1 ½ hours later – I had slept the whole trip. My seat mate turned to look at me and said, “Wow, you are good! How in the world did you manage to sleep the entire time?” I told him I had been on hundreds of flights and had faith that the pilot and crew would keep me as safe as possible. I had a busy work week ahead of me and might as well rest while I could.

So, falling asleep has never been my problem – but staying asleep? That is something I have struggled with much of my life. Usually after about two or three hours of restful sleep, my brain shifts into overdrive and I toss and turn, worrying about work or money or family or world problems or the weather (especially tornados here in Oklahoma), and before long it is time for the alarm to go off and I am starting another workday, exhausted. Why is it so difficult for me to relax and go back to sleep? Why does this happen night after night?

Our verse today tells us that the Lord supplies rest for us as we dwell in his safety. It is up to me to turn my worries and fears over to him and let him fight my battles while I rest. Psalm 94:19 states, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” If I want joy and rest and peace, I need to take my hands off my worries and give them over to the One who wants to provide restorative sleep. Refreshment is waiting for me; I just need to accept it.

Prayer: Dear Father, I come to You today exhausted; struggling with my anxieties and worry. Help me to turn these fears over to You and learn to rest in the safety You have promised to provide. Thank You for loving me and caring for me, offering the rest I need. Amen

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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