What a Mess We Make
Matthew 6:10

What a Mess We Make
A farmer in a field feeding a flock of sheep.
Matthew 6:10 – “Your will be done.”

Many people quit on God when it comes to suffering. “I can’t believe in a God that would allow this to happen.” Recently someone pointed this out to me from the prayer Jesus taught us. “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus asked us to pray this because God’s will is not done on earth unless we allow it. Jesus prayed for God to take away His suffering but ended with “Your will be done.” Some of us take matters into our own hands and just do it (our way). We walk out on our relationships, we kill someone we have a fight with, we lie to get what we want, we take another man’s wife, we steal things that we desire to have. And all the while, God does not hold us back from doing them. The only place I can institute God’s will is in my own heart. And that is a shaky proposition sometimes. Someone in marriage counseling told the therapist “I deserve to be happy.” The therapist responded “Show me where in this Bible it says that God wants you to be happy.” I have come to see, over time, that I get happy when I do what God wants of me. And these are things that cause me pain and grief sometimes. Living life His way brings me fulfillment. It is what I was born to do, and when I obey Him, it becomes clear to me that this is what I have been chasing after all my life. It is the meaning of life. There will be pain and suffering. Don’t forget that Satan is mixing up misery down here. God is looking for lost sheep. Father in heaven, thank You for showing us love, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

– Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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