Daily Praise
Psalm 145:1-2

Daily Praise
Shot of a group of teenagers embracing in nature at summer camp
Psalm 145:1-2 – “I will praise you, my God and King, and bless your name each day and forever.”

Going to church camp was a huge part of my life growing up. Whether it was a time for just kids, as a teen or with my family, several weeks each summer were spent at a small campground in southern Iowa.

One summer I was a counselor for the kids, spent a week there as a teen, and then went back for 10 days with my family. I knew every square inch of that property, and the memories of the special times I spent there flood my mind. (I even got my first real kiss there!) I made many precious friends there who are still my friends 50+ years later. I have not been there for a long time, but can still describe the sights, the sounds, the feelings of love and excitement and adventure.

I remember one particular summer as a teen when I renewed my commitment to God and was determined to return home a different person, one filled with God’s love and with a heart of devotion. I wept at the alter that night, pouring out to God my sins and asking for forgiveness and for his guidance in the days ahead. I was surrounded by my camp friends and several of us bonded together over our experience. I returned home and faithfully read my Bible and prayed each day….well, for a while anyway.

Soon it was time to go back to school and my old habits and routines reappeared. While I still was a believer and tried to live my life in a way that was pleasing to God, I was not relying on Him for daily help and strength. I stumbled in my faith and fell many times, and I remember being very disappointed in myself. What was missing? It was my daily time with God, talking with Him about my struggles and reading His Word to learn what he wanted for my life.

It is a lesson that I have had to re-learn many times in my adult life. I need a daily infusion of God’s word and conversations with Him to keep me from wandering astray. I need to praise Him each day, thanking Him for all He has done for me. I need to stay connected and not feel like I can do things on my own.

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for all that you have done for me over the years. Thank you to the teachers and pastors who influenced me during those early camp experiences and set me on a path to a life living for You. Forgive me for the times I feel I can do ‘life’ without you. Help me each day to remain faithful to You and to Your teachings. Keep me grounded and planted in Your word. Amen.

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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