Colossians 3:14

women playing violin near window
Colossians 3:14 – “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”

Whether listening to a string quartet at a wedding or to a 100-piece symphony at a large music hall, the exquisite harmonies of professional musicians is a rare treat. High or low, soft or loud, fast or slow – each member has a specific part to play.

But have you ever thought about what it takes to blend the multiple instruments into a magical experience? The performers have spent hours and hours in practice for decades, both individually and as a group, long before you ever took your seat in the auditorium. The squeaky notes when they first picked up an instrument as a child; the hours spent in lessons both at school and at home; listening to their directors as they learned to hone their craft – all of these are brought together on this special occasion.

We cannot judge the strength of the relationship based solely on what we see in public, without knowing the sacrifices that went on in private. Today’s verse talks about love bringing perfect harmony. But it usually doesn’t start out that way. There will be rocky beginnings in any relationship, and at various times throughout the relationship as well. It takes lots of practice and teamwork to develop genuine love. Only with God as our conductor will that love become perfect.

Sometimes you need to play quietly in a supportive role while others take the lead. Other times it will be your turn to step up into a more prominent place in the relationship. But in every case, we need to trust the conductor who knows how to bring out the best performance from each member.

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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