Don’t Retaliate
2 Timothy 2:23

Don't Retaliate
Two Asian Boys Fighting
2 Timothy 2:23 – “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.”

The day after Moses killed an Egyptian for hurting an Israelite, he found two brothers fighting. The brother who initiated the offense was quick to retaliate against Moses pushing him aside and ready to fight him as well.

Haven’t we all felt that way at one time or another, being so mad that we lash out at anyone who gets in our way? Yeah, we probably want to rethink that attitude! The Lord tells us to be kind to everyone and have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies. Those people are reckless and careless. He tells us that every fool is quarrelsome and we should avoid hot tempered people. They stir up strife which is not the peaceful life that God desires for us. Don’t be the type of person that the Lord warns others to stay away from!

One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil. Our best bet is to live at peace with all men as far as it depends on us. There may be a day that physically defending ourself or another is unavoidable, and God be with us if that ever happens. As for me, I’m calling on the name of Jesus and trusting Him to help me. He is an ever- present help in times of trouble. Moses was sent by God to be the ruler over the Israelites and was a man of strength and great eye sight right up until he died at the age of 120. He did NOT, however, hang around to fight with the guy who challenged him. As long as it depends on us, let’s put aside our worldly differences and be reconciled with our brothers and sisters in the faith.

  • Vicki Rance
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Vicki Rance

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Vicki Rance

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