Proverbs 28:20 – “A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.” |
Through the juxtaposition of faithfulness and greed, today’s text unequivocally directs us as believers which attribute we should choose to embrace. Those whose goal is acquiring riches may enjoy the fleeting benefits of more resources or prestige, yet risk facing a vacuous and unsatisfying existence.
In contrast, those who are faithful remain focused on the One who provides treasures which neither moths nor rust can destroy, nor thieves can steal. Remaining faithful to Him brings us the blessings of peace, joy, and hope in abundance. Through embracing faithfulness, we can in turn be a blessing to those within our work settings, homes, and communities.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing us with an abundance of peace, joy and hope. Help us to remain faithfully focused on You and not be distracted by the hollow glitter of worldly riches. In the Strong Name of Jesus, Amen.
- Phyllis Hooten