Mark 6:38

Concept of a hunger
Mark 6:38 – And he said to them, “How many loaves have you? Go and see.” And when they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.

The crowd was very large and it was late, so the disciples approached Jesus with a reasonable suggestion to send them on their way to get something to eat. Instead, Jesus’s instructions were for the disciples to provide the meal. They used common logic, responding that even more funds couldn’t purchase enough for 5,000. When Jesus asked about available supplies, the response was a very humbling five loaves and two fish.

The beloved miracle is well known on what Jesus did with that meager amount. How many of us at times, when becoming aware of a need, have had a response that mirrors the disciples? We reason that the need is too great and our time, energy, and resources are too limited to have any type of impact. When we stop looking at our limitations and turn our gaze towards Him, we see what Jesus can do with just a little.

In like manner, consider this: Maybe that small bit of money left over after paying bills could help support a missionary living among an un-reached population who desperately need to hear the Good News. That little pocket of time between work and family could be used to encourage and pray with a friend who is struggling with overwhelming circumstances. A few cans in our pantries could be donated to a food drive that feeds an entire community. Any small amount we are willing to give can become part of the tapestry of beautifully magnificent work of the Lord.

– Phylis Hooten

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Phyllis Hooten

Picture of Phyllis Hooten

Phyllis Hooten

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