Many Rooms – John 14:2

Many Rooms
Overgrown Small House in Iceland
John 14:2 – “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”

Whenever I do the vacuuming of the floors in our house, I am glad we live in a modest sized house. It might take hours and hours to cover the floors in a large house. There are times when smaller is nicer.

Then I start thinking “Is it too small? Do our kids wish they had grown up in a bigger house?” Fair thing for a parent to wonder about. I reflect back on my grandparents’ houses. Ours is a mansion compared to them.

My dad’s parents’ house was one bedroom, with two added on. Tiny place. My mom’s parents’ house had three bedrooms, but all of them very small. But I loved to go to both of them. I have fond memories of being there, playing in the yard, measuring every inch of the place in my mind. The fondness came not from the size of the house, but who lived there. Or should I say, who “loved” there. For I certainly felt the love.

So, if you are of modest means, shower the love, and you won’t be found lacking. Take Jesus for a moment. Isaiah says of Him (and He was the Son of God) “He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him”. He didn’t turn heads, but boy, did He pack a punch. Everything He did was amazing. Father in heaven, help us to reflect Your glory in all we do, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

– Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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