Power of the Tongue
Luke 4:22

Power of the Tongue
cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone
Luke 4:22 – “And all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips…”

Today, I was doing a Bible study on the power of the tongue! It was the first day that my husband could drive himself to rehab after major surgery.   While in the midst of my reading,  he calls as he is on his way home and asks if I would like to go on a lunch date, as in right now?  In my head,  I’m shouting ‘NO!!!  I’m into my study, wearing  my ‘home uniform’, have no makeup on, do not want to go anywhere or be seen!  Besides that, there is plenty of food to eat in the fridge.”  It actually really frustrated me because it wasn’t what I had planned for the day, which mainly included staying home!  He’s been talking about going to this restaurant for about a month now, and I knew he really wanted to go.

I thought about my study and what the Scripture has to say about the power of the tongue: The tongue can ‘stir up anger, start a fight, crush the spirit, destroy relationships and destroy oneself. The tongue is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. The tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness that stains us and sets on fire our course in this life that leads straight to hell.’ I imagine that this whole scenario begins with selfish ambition.

My conscience would not allow it. Why should I be so selfish as to disappoint his day over something like lunch. I told him that I would go with him. I forced myself to get up from my desk, begrudgingly changed my clothes and since nobody was in the house to hear, voiced all my frustration aloud. The phone rings again and he is all happy about going out and lets me know he is waiting in the driveway. As I am making my way to the garage door, I am going over all the things I just read about how we are to use the tongue….Kind words are like honey– sweet, nourishing and satisfying to the soul, which brings health for the body. I’m thinking about my husband in the midst of recovery, and why wouldn’t I want to bring him life and health through my gentle words?

Scripture tells us that kind words help the tottering to stand and strengthen feeble knees. They can be life-giving water that is as refreshing as a bubbling brook. Jesus set the example for us. When we take heed to His wisdom, our words are pure, peaceable, gentle, sincere, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruit.

I got in the car, took a breath and sincerely asked him how his rehab went? He had no idea how annoyed I had been just minutes before. We went to lunch and had good conversation and good food! Just remember, ‘Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad.’ Let us make an active decision to bring joy, rather than darkness, to all we come in contact with. 😊

Vicki Rance

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Vicki Rance

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Vicki Rance

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