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Someone I Know
Psalm 147:4

Someone I Know
Stars in observatory
Psalm 147:4 – “He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.”

I had the day off yesterday, so I went to Ft Worth to see my mother. We ate lunch together and caught up on what has happened since our last visit.

As I was driving back, I was in the lane adjacent to the far left lane on LBJ freeway, east of the airport, and I noticed a white utility truck next to me, not passing me, when there was plenty of room for him to move on. My phone rang. It was laying on the seat. I did not answer, as I get an insurance discount if I don’t use it while driving.

Later, as I was stopped at a traffic signal, I checked and it was a missed call from our middle son, Benjamin. I called him to see what it was about. “Hey Dad. I was right beside you on LBJ. I was coming back from Ft Worth in my work truck.” He said he waved at me but I did not look over at him.

I passed who knows how many people in cars on the roadways, and one of them was our son. It makes the world seem a little smaller. When my wife and I go to the State Fair of Texas, we always say “Do you think we will see anyone we know?”

Out of the billions and billions of people who have lived, I met and married my wife, and am so glad I was blessed to get her. And when I pray to God, even though doing it at the same time as no telling how many others, God hears me. He names all of the stars he put in the heavens, and He has not forgotten any of us.

Father in heaven, thank You for paying attention to individuals in the midst of the multitudes, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

-Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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