Timing – Genesis 2:18

Man Proposing Outdoors
Genesis 2:18 – Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”

Today at church, I was walking down the hall and there in front of me, talking to each other, were Russell Scott and Scott Russell. It was a strange site.

Sometimes there are extraordinary alignments in our world. Like the time I was working for Dr Pepper in Accounts Payable. I was looking at a check we had just printed and run through the signature machine. The check number was the same as the amount. Strange alignment.

Or the time I was watching the movie “Heidi”, and the movie cuckoo clock struck 9 in the evening, and it was actually 9 pm when I was watching it, and my cuckoo clock struck 9 simultaneously. That was weird. Still gives me shivers.

God is a master at timing. Pilate received a message from his wife not to have anything to do with that righteous man.

The veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom as Jesus died.

Think of the people you have run across in your lifetime. Accidental? Or God moving and working.

My wife and I just celebrated 35 years of marriage. And I thank God for bringing us into a convergent path.

Father in heaven, thank You for placing people in our way at just the right times, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

– Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

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