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Wisdom – James 1:5

Knowledge and ideas come from reading books and learning wisdom, light bulb with book.

James 1:5 – “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Much of my professional life has been spent training others to do what I do. Whether taking students fresh off the street and starting at the beginning, or helping seasoned employees advance their careers to higher levels, teaching others has brought great joy to my life.

When you see the lights go on and students finally grasp a complex subject, or I get to celebrate with them when they successfully pass a difficult certification exam – that makes all the hard work worth it.

My one biggest frustration and pet peeve is when a student comes to me and says, “I know this is a stupid question, but……….” STOP! If you honestly do not know the answer, then the question is not stupid. None of us was born knowing how to do everything, and I certainly did not succeed in my profession without many hours spent in school learning things I did not previously know. My students were no different. Everyone needs to learn.

So it is with our relationship with God. He does not expect us to know all the answers but wants us to feel unafraid to approach him with our concerns. There are no ‘stupid questions’ when we honestly seek his wisdom and knowledge. He is waiting with a storehouse of understanding and will give more than we can imagine if we but ask in faith.

Prayer: Dear Father – thank you for your willingness to teach me what I need to know, and that you do so willingly and freely. There is so much I do not understand about you and your plan for my life. Help me to come to you boldly with my questions. Amen

– Betty Gossell

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Betty Gossell

Picture of Betty Gossell

Betty Gossell

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