John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that who so ever believe in Him should not perish but should have eternal life.” |
While the holiday season elicits feelings of excitement and hopefulness for many, it brings dread, concern and even bitterness to others. Media and advertising have raised the bar on what the Christmas holiday “should be” year after year.
The First, finest gift ever given often gets overlooked. “For God so loved the (every person ever born) World that He GAVE his ONLY SON, that who so ever believe in Him should have everlasting life.” The story of baby Jesus’ birth in a lowly manger is still seen in displays during this season. However, we skip over most of the rest of Jesus life and therefore miss so many messages from God, such as; “the peace of God, which is more than all our understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds IN Jesus Christ.” (Phil 4:7). So, so many gifts, like Peace, are available through Gods’ first gift, Jesus!
-Diana Boone