From the Cockpit – John 21:25

From the Cockpit
Inside of cockpit a helicopter flying over Rocky mountains in national park
John 21:25 – “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they *were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.”

Just finished Bob Stoops book “No Excuses (the making of a head coach)”. Our son Jackson told me it was the best sports biography he has read. I would agree. It was not a brag book, but an honest revealing of life under the microscope of public scrutiny.

I always had my own ideas about why he stepped down in the midst of success, but now that I have read his own words, I understand. I had my own opinions about a player who struck a woman in a bar and broke her jaw. I heard his take on it, and believe he took a good road in his reaction to the event and his punishment of the player. His life was much more than football.

Same thing happened when my wife read the biography from the wife of a famous politician. So many things that happen are fed to us by news agencies which spin it. That is one thing I enjoy about reading biographies. You see events from the cockpit, so to speak, instead of from the grandstand.

It is so good to read the Bible and get the inside story from Jesus’ apostles, the men who ate with Him, traveled with Him, slept near Him, and observed Him work. We don’t have to learn about Him through news outlets. Father in heaven, thank You for revealing Yourself through Your son, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

-Jeff Beall

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