Romans 15:4 – “And the scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope” |
I have always loved going to school. From the first day of kindergarten when I was too short to climb on the bus unassisted to several college experiences, school has always excited me. I was a good student (even if I did get in trouble for talking too much) and I remember crying on the last day of third grade because I was going to miss my teacher and my friends. Little did I know that in just a few months I would meet a woman who would have a huge impact on my life. Mrs. T was an amazing teacher and inspired in me an even deeper love of reading and writing. She took an interest in each one of us individually, and I worked hard to always do my best for her. She taught me how to research topics for essays and how to problem-solve on my own. She encouraged me to spread my wings and to be willing to try new things. We stayed in touch even after I graduated, and I counted her as a dear friend.
What made me successful in her class, however, was my willingness to learn. Our verse today tells us that the scriptures were written to teach us, but we must ask ourselves these questions: do I want to learn what God is wanting to teach me? Sometimes the lessons are hard, or inconvenient, or costly. Am I willing to do the work to study and research? To listen to those more knowledgeable than me as they explain complicated topics? When was the last time I actually sat down and read my Bible, let alone study its teachings? God’s word is filled with hope, but I need to open the covers and let him teach me.
Prayer: Dear God – thank you for earthly teachers who inspire in us a love for learning. They often go unappreciated, and I ask that you bless them for their contributions. And thank you, also, for your word which is available to me in a multitude of translations and electronic forms. Help me to be willing to study your word and learn what lessons you have for me. Amen
– Betty Gossell