Psalm 16:5 – “Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future.” |
As we reach the end of this year, it is only natural to look ahead and think about what the next year will bring. Will there be sickness or health? Financial prosperity or difficulties? New life or the death of a loved one? Will I find happiness? Will I be loved? Most everyone will do some sort of reflection on the past year and express hope for the next. What are you hoping for next year?
How secure we should feel that it is God who holds our future – that it is not up to us to stress and worry about, but that we should trust where he guides us. As we look back on the last months, do we clearly see the times where he led us? Can we recall when he spoke his healing power over us? Did we feel his peace and love during the difficult times? If he provided for us in the past, how much more we should trust him for the days to come.
Prayer: Thank you. Sometimes, God, that is all I can say. Thank you for your love and protection this past year. Thank you for providing for me and sending special people into my life when I needed them. And thank you that you are planning a bright future ahead for me, a future filled with faith and service to others. Help me to recognize your blessings in the future. Amen
– Betty Gossell