Galatian 6:9-10 – “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” |
Do you grow discouraged?
I know that’s a dumb question, but sometimes, we need to ask ourselves dumb questions to get smarter.
Now back to my question—have you grown discouraged? Why?
Was it because you were tired? Or was it something else?
Let me venture a guess. Most people, me included, grow discouraged when we think we are stuck. Life will never get better. We (or life) paint ourselves into a corner, and we will track pigment throughout life if we try to get out.
And…we just don’t move. We throw a pity party at which we are the honored guest.
But you are not the only one. Listen to what showed up in someone’s paper one day.
Am I kidding myself that I’m able to write a script again? Am I really just whistling Dixie? I wonder. If I don’t get down to it, I’ll never really know. Why don’t…I trust myself? Really, that’s what it’s all about…that and not wanting to go through the agony of creation. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, IT’S JUST AS BAD AS EVER. I wonder if every creative artist goes through the tortures of the damned trying to create.?. Oh, well, the hour cometh, and now IS when I’ve got to do it. GET TO IT, FRED. GET TO IT.
Now, who do you think said that? Let me give you a hint, but you do have to be a certain age to win the prize.
He was well-known, perhaps the most known among families.
He appeared before Congress.
We would welcome him into our homes. When he walked through the day, he would take off his jacket and slip on a cardigan sweater and then sit down and put on sneakers.
Do you have a clue?
The author of the bleak assessment of his life was no less than Fred Rogers, better known as Mr. Rogers, the founder of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood and the iconic, soft-spoken, cheery host of the children’s program.
Even the calm Fred Rogers grew discouraged.
The Bible is littered with the discouraged.
Among them was Elijah the prophet, successful but burned out. He had God on his side but feared Jezebel. And we’re no Elijah.
That’s why Paul turns to average Christians like us just to remind us of something.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:9–10)
When the burdens of life overwhelm, don’t give up. We are in a season. Sow seeds for the future. Find someone to do good to or at least open your eyes to the opportunities that discouragement hides.
The Bible says that the remedy of disappointment is to do as Fred Rogers wrote to himself—get to it.
Is there something you need to get to today?
–Robert G. Taylor