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The Fleas
James 1:17

The Fleas
Auschwitz Nazi Extermination Camp - Poland
James 1:17 – “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights…”

Give thanks, and you’ll associate it with joyous occasions – the November turkey, the miracle of new life in a hospital. But what if life isn’t so rosy?

Consider Corrie’s story.

When she was just a girl, her world turned upside down. The Nazis invaded her country, and because she and her sister Betsy were Jewish, they were captured and transported to the dreadful Ravensbruck camp. Somehow, they managed to smuggle a Bible into the camp, and amid their despair, they made a decision – to give thanks for anything good they could find.

Imagine the scene: a cramped, flea-infested camp where the girls were constantly itching, and their wounds grew infected. How could they possibly find a shred of goodness in such a place? But then, something remarkable happened. The guards, who would mercilessly beat prisoners in their barracks, never set foot in Corrie and Betsy’s quarters. And they discovered that those who died in their barracks were flea-free. Astonishingly, those fleas, despised by all, became a strange blessing. They kept the guards away and served as a constant reminder that they were still alive.

In their nightly prayers, Corrie and Betsy would open their smuggled Bible, read its sacred words, and bow their heads in gratitude, saying, “Thank God for the fleas.” It was a different kind of thanksgiving – finding the silver lining in life’s darkest moments. James reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the unchanging Father of lights (James 1:17). Even in the things we wish to avoid, the Lord’s blessings often hide, waiting to be discovered. True thankfulness acknowledges God’s hand in all circumstances, even in the fleas.

So, reach out today and bless someone else’s life. And during your own struggles, be thankful for the challenges that are shaping you into something better.

Robert G. Taylor


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Robert Taylor

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