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Jeremiah 31:3

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Mothers Day in Family
Jeremiah 31:3 – The Lord says, “I love you people with a love that continues forever. That is why I have continued showing you kindness.”

Most of my life Mother’s Day was a day of sadness and guilt. Then when I became a mom, shame settled in. I couldn’t celebrate Mother’s Day because that was reserved for good moms. And then envy and self pity arrived. Why didn’t I deserve a happy Mother’s Day like everyone else?

It wasn’t until last year that I started to feel somewhat ok with the day, being okay with the fact that it won’t ever be “normal” or “typical”. The enemy sucks and he not longer gets to have this day! This last week and today I have felt so much joy in anticipation of the day. I never imagined I could ever have this. God has blessed me with several mother figures in my life and an amazing support system. He is the ultimate redeemer!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all. And to those who experience pain on this day… we may go through different circumstances but the enemy uses the same tactics to deceive and rob us. I pray for you to hold on because the time for joy is coming.

-Martes Campbell

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Picture of Martes Campbell

Martes Campbell

Picture of Martes Campbell

Martes Campbell

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