Jeremiah 19:11 – “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Psalm 105:4
Life can be SO confusing! From the simplest questions such as what do I want for dinner or what am I going to wear today? To the bit more complex questions such as do I move here, move there or not move at all? Do I take this job or that job or should I stay where I am? Where should I go on vacation or . . . should I even take a vacation? Should I buy a new car or keep the old? And on and on it goes. There are SO many questions and so many variables as to why we should or shouldn’t answer the way we do.
If it’s all so confusing, what are we to do? Throw our hands up in the air and hope for the best? Even though that may seem like the easiest solution (at the time), there’s a far better one. That better solution brings with it peace and the knowledge that what we’re opening ourselves up to do is the very best possible plan for us. That solution? Fervently seeking God’s will for direction, then step out of the way and let God take it from there. And you know what? He’ll do just that. It may not be the route you thought it’d be. It may be a route that you feel totally inadequate for but God will only take you down paths He already knows you can handle, relying on Him every step of the way. That’s what makes it such an amazing journey.
Do you know what you’ll find as you journey along God’s path for your life? Fulfillment. Joy. Love. Adventure. Surprises. And on and on and on. Sound good—no sound great? Excellent! Jump in and get started but be sure you’re ready because God’s ready. He has amazing plans ready—Just. For. You.
Dear God: You are truly an amazing God. You created the universe and everything in it yet You think of me and have plans—wonderful plans—especially for me. Thank you! Help me to better see how You are guiding me and making things happen in my life that are best for me and fulfill Your will for my life at the same time. Please help me to always fully rely on You. Thank You for loving me. Amen.
- Lindy Bell