Luke 12:27 – “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.” |
This is to guys debating buying flowers for your lady. Whenever I shop for flowers, say, on our anniversary (good time to do it), a voice in my head tells me “They will be in the trash in a few days.” I ignore the voice after a few minutes and buy something nice. Every time I do, I feel good about giving them. It puts a smile on her face, and it lasts more than a day (with some plant food in the water). And it lives on in her memories.
When she is older and memories become very precious, she will treasure what you have done. My advice? Spring for the few dollars and get the flowers. Even though they go in the trash in a few days. God made them very beautiful (women and flowers). They go good together.
Father in heaven, thank You for flowers, which are here today and tomorrow cast into the oven, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
– Jeff Beall