God’s Beauty Everywhere – Proverbs 5:18

God's Beauty Everywhere
Texas Flag in Field of Bluebonnets
Proverbs 5:18- “rejoice with wife of your youth.”

With Good Friday being a holiday for my wife and I, I began looking for a quick getaway as a change of scenery for us. I was striking out, mainly because I started late in the process. Everything I liked was booked already. So, I thought, why not take that money and spend it here in town. Eat at a nice restaurant, go to a movie. Something like that. So, Friday night, we went to a local play. She wanted to go look at bluebonnets in bloom, and Ennis, Texas is the place to go for that. We kind of made it our “thing” exploring small town Texas.

Last November, we were in San Angelo on one of our little trips. We went into a bookstore, very eclectic. The store was featured on Bob Phillip’s show “Texas Country Reporter”. He likes to discover ordinary people who lead interesting lives. My wife bought me his book, and I just finished reading it. We went to the visitor center, got a trail map, and viewed the wildflowers. Bluebonnets are not the only thing you see. Indian paintbrush mix in and are a nice touch. We had lunch in Ennis at the Fern In The Wild. Super good steak sandwich is what I had, and Mary Linda had the BLT. My chips on the side were razor thin and home cooked, fresh from the vat. We ducked in a few gift shops as well. And took our picture in front of the mural on the back of the restaurant in the parking lot.

Father in heaven, thank You for taking so much care to make the flowers so beautiful, the food so good and our time together so fun! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

– Jeff Beall

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Jeff Beall

Picture of Jeff Beall

Jeff Beall

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